Our Exterior Washing Services

Residential-Get rid of those ugly Cobb webs and dirt that accumulates over the years on the side of your house. We use a process called "soft washing" as referred to in the industry. This is a combination of a natural product sprayed on the house that will break up mold, dirt and mildew for dirtier houses. We then turn down the pressure of the machine significantly and wash the product off with a light rinse. For houses that the paint is well intact, there should be no tear on the paint. For older houses that do have some paint peeling, more caution is advised as the paint that's peeling could peel more in those areas.


Property Management-We provide window cleaning and power washing on office buildings and any large commercial buildings and apartments up to 3 stories. While we're up there cleaning your windows, we can also power wash your building's exterior and wash the awnings. You don't have to wait until you paint the building to get rid of that ugly grime, Mold and Mildew. Painting the building or not is a choice but when it comes to dirt and mold it's not, which can cause health problems and degrade property values. we have the expertise and the patience a commercial painting company doesn't have to safely and effectively remove dirt and mold while keeping in-tact the existing paint on the building.

Reliable, professional services for pristine results.



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(925) 567-1965

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